Tina Ulbrich (@_Yulivee_) recently gave her talk “How to Rangify Your Code” at my local meetup, in which she gave a rundown of several examples from her codebase where loop-heavy code was replaced by pipelines of range adaptors. I sunk my teeth into one of those from an API design perspective and show how it can be generalized to work with generic ranges, based on the associative property of the pipe operator used to compose ranges and range adaptors.

Tina’s sliding_mean example

First off, Tina used the range-v3 library for most of her code samples as it supports more range adaptors and consumers than the meager subset that was standardized for C++20. However, C++23 will improve the situation significantly and MSVC (or rather the Microsoft STL) already has good enough support that I will use C++23 standard ranges in this post.

Now, one of the first examples Tina showed was the calculation of a sliding mean. The code that she started out with iterated over a span of values with a raw loop and created arrays of five elements in each iteration which was than passed into a mean function. The resulting means for each of the sliding windows were than pushed into a vector. She then showed how you’d go about doing the same with ranges:

constexpr auto mean(std::span<double const> rng) -> double {
  return std::reduce(rng.begin(), rng.end(), 0.) / rng.size();

auto sliding_mean(std::span<double const> rng)
    -> std::vector<double>
  return rng | std::views::slide(5)
             | std::views::transform(mean)
             | std::ranges::to<std::vector>();


The ranges-based implementation has several advantages over the loop-based one: The size of the window is easily changed; in fact, it could just be turned into a second parameter to the sliding_mean function. Additionally, the original code would have needed to do bounds checking in case the input range is smaller than the window size; the ranges code does that automatically and produces an empty vector in that case.

Generalizing the function to return ranges

Tina already mentioned in her talk that the std::ranges::to<std::vector>() is not even necessary, but she included this to keep the function signature the same compared to the original implementation. If you relax this requirement, sliding_mean turns into a lazy algorithm and its result can be further adapted, e.g., by rounding the window means to the nearest integer:

constexpr auto sliding_mean(std::span<double const> rng)
    -> std::ranges::random_access_range auto
  return rng | std::views::slide(5)
             | std::views::transform(mean);

auto round_to_int(double d) -> int {
  return static_cast<int>(std::lround(d));

int main() {
  std::array const a = {3., 4., 5., 4., 3., 2., 4., 5., 9., 7.,
                        8., 6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 0., 1., 2., 1.};
  fmt::print("{}\n", sliding_mean(a)
                     | std::views::transform(round_to_int));


I’m using the {fmt} library here which has the ability to format ranges directly. To be clear, this would’ve worked with the previous version as well but it would’ve meant that first the means are calculated and aggregated into a vector and then, second, that vector would’ve been iterated, its elements rounded and the result would’ve been printed. Instead, this version doesn’t need to allocate any memory for the intermediate vector and instead calculates the means, rounds them, and prints the resulting integers in a single pass.

You may also notice the funny-looking trailing return type. The actual return type is some unwieldy thing like slide_view<transform_view<span<double const>, ...>>. It is of course perfectly fine to omit the return type altogether and have auto deduce it, but just like that’s often not the best idea for “normal” functions with respect to readability, it is beneficial to constrain the return type with an appropriate range concept to give the consumer of the API just the information they actually need to use it. I haven’t seen constrained return types being used in the wild yet, but I hope they catch on as people get more comfortable with concepts as a tool for understanding and documenting requirements rather than just as language support for std::enable_if. In this case, we input a std::span which is a contiguous range, but transform can only retain the random access property.

It should be noted that doing things lazily is not always more efficient and can easily lead to work being done twice. One should be conscious of where the actual work happens (inside of fmt::print where the range is consumed) and that saving the range itself as a local variable and using it multiple times only saves you from rebuilding the “expression template” but does not cache the result of the calculation. If the latter is desired, the caller needs to follow up the range with a to<std::vector>() at the call site to eagerly consume it and then share the result. From an API design perspective, this leaves the decision between lazy and eager computation with the caller; that’s fine so long as they are aware of the responsibility bestowed upon them which can be problematic when introducing this kind of thing to legacy codebases where team members expect eager algorithms.

Generalizing function arguments to accept ranges

Tina’s sliding_mean is already great in that it accepts a std::span. That means that it can be called using a std::vector or a std::array, a C-style array, or in general any range that is both sized and contiguous. That is however still a pretty hefty requirement and rules out almost all the non-trivial range adaptors, as well as range factories like std::views::iota. And it’s an unnecessary requirement at that, given std::views::slide merely requires a forward range. To relax it, we need to turn sliding_mean into a template (here using C++20’s auto template parameters):

constexpr auto sliding_mean(std::ranges::forward_range auto rng)
    -> std::ranges::forward_range auto
  return rng | std::views::slide(5)
             | std::views::transform(mean);

Constraining the template with the appropriate concept is of course optional, but it helps with readability and fails earlier. There’s a catch here, however: mean so far also operated on spans which worked because slide yields views which are sized and themselves model the same range concept as the input range; i.e., when operating on a contiguous range (like span), slide yields itself sized and contiguous ranges which are then implicitly convertible to spans. Now that we relaxed the contiguity of the argument of sliding_mean, we need to do the same for the argument of mean. Merely turning mean into a function template doesn’t work either, as it cannot be passed as a function reference to std::views::transform without specifying its template arguments which is difficult to do portably. What does work is turning mean into a function object with a generic call operator, e.g. by defining it as a lambda:

inline constexpr auto mean =
    [](std::ranges::sized_range auto rng) -> double {
      using std::ranges::begin;
      using std::ranges::end;
      using std::ranges::size;
      auto c = rng | std::views::common;
      return std::reduce(begin(c), end(c), 0.) / size(rng);

Another detail here is that the <numeric> algorithms are not yet rangified, so we use C++17’s iterator version of std::reduce. That however requires both begin and end iterators to have the same type which is not true for some range views, e.g., std::views::filter. To fix this, the input range is first adapted into a common range.

With this, we are finally able to use our sliding_mean with an input view which is itself a range pipeline, where fmt::print still consumes the range completely lazily but that now also includes the generation of the input numbers themselves.

fmt::print("{}\n", sliding_mean(std::views::iota(0, 30)
                                | std::views::filter(is_even))
                   | std::views::transform(round_to_int));


Composite range adaptors

While the above version is now functionally exactly where we want it to be, it looks pretty awkward. It would be much nicer if sliding_mean would support range pipelining:

fmt::print("{}\n", a | sliding_mean
                     | std::views::transform(round_to_int));

fmt::print("{}\n", std::views::iota(0, 30)
                   | std::views::filter(is_even)
                   | sliding_mean
                   | std::views::transform(round_to_int));

Besides the fact that there’s something deeply satisfying about lining up the pipe operators, this also communicates more clearly that sliding_mean is merely adapting a range and is itself lazy. How might we implement support for operator|? This is actually quite hard to do in general with the range facilities as they stand in C++20 without adding to the std namespace, which is in fact undefined behavior. Fortunately, the situation is about to improve in C++23 thanks to Barry Revzin’s P2387 which introduces the CRTP base class std::ranges::range_adaptor_closure. The sliding_mean function can then be replaced by the call operator of a function object sliding_mean_fn which derives from range_adaptor_closure:

struct sliding_mean_fn
  : std::ranges::range_adaptor_closure<sliding_mean_fn>
  constexpr auto operator()(forward_range auto&& rng) const
      -> std::ranges::forward_range auto
    return rng | std::views::slide(5)
               | std::views::transform(mean);

inline constexpr sliding_mean_fn sliding_mean;


That works and is honestly not that much boilerplate. There exists however a much simpler way of achieving the same effect which already works in C++20 (at least if you ignore that slide is C++23) and relies on the fact that the pipe operator for range adaptors is associative, meaning that given a range R and two range adaptors A₁ and A₂, the expression R | A₁ | A₂ can both be seen as the successive application of both adaptors, (R | A₁) | A₂, or equivalently as the application of a single combined adaptor, R | (A₁ | A₂). Hence, instead of defining a sliding_mean function which applies two adaptors to a generic range argument and then going to the motions of turning that function into a range adaptor closure, we can simply combine both adaptors to yield the sliding_mean adaptor object directly!

inline constexpr auto sliding_mean =
    std::views::slide(5) | std::views::transform(mean);


That is almost embarrassingly simple. Composing range adaptors in this way is akin to point-free programming in functional programming languages where functions are defined through composition and partial application (“currying”) of other functions. The equivalent of currying is also possibly by creating a range adaptor factory function, e.g. to allow specifying the window size:

constexpr auto sliding_mean(std::size_t s) {
  return std::views::slide(s) | std::views::transform(mean);
