Recursive visitors from fixed-point combinators
This post picks up where the previous one left off. Go back for an introduction to the visitor pattern for std::variant
Variadically inheriting from lambdas
In the previous post, we left off with a simple visitor functor Printer
provides two overloads for operator()
which are called by std::visit
depending on the type realized in the variant.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
using Data = std::variant<int, std::string>;
struct Printer {
void operator()(int i) const {
std::cout << "got an int: " << i << std::endl;
void operator()(std::string const& s) const {
std::cout << "got a string: " << s << std::endl;
int main() {
Data d[2] = {42, "Hello, world!"};
std::visit(Printer{}, d[0]); // 'got an int: 42'
std::visit(Printer{}, d[1]); // 'got a string: Hello, world!'
This is easy enough, but there’s an even simpler way of achieving the same that
was recently featured by Jason Turner on C++ Weekly Ep. 134: we define a
generic functor visitor
which variadically inherits from a bunch of lambdas:
template <typename... Bases>
struct visitor : Bases... {
using Bases::operator()...;
template <typename... Bases>
visitor(Bases...) -> visitor<Bases...>;
The struct merely contains a variadic using declaration (C++17) which
introduces all the call operators of the base classes into the derived class
definition. Lastly, we declare a template parameter deduction guide. This allows
us to construct a visitor
through aggregate initialization and have the
template parameters inferred. This is non-optional if we want to inherit from
inline lambdas whose type cannot be expressed in closed form. If you want to
know more about the subtleties of this, I highly recommend watching
Jason’s video.
Thus, we can use visitor
to quickly define a one-time-use visitor:
using Data = std::variant<int, std::string>;
int main() {
Data d[2] = {42, "Hello, world!"};
for (Data & x : d)
std::visit(visitor {
[] (int i) {
std::cout << "got an int: " << i << '\n';
[] (std::string const& s) {
std::cout << "got a string: " << s << '\n';
}, x);
The advantages of this approach are basically those of using lambdas in place of regular functions in general: we increase readability by keeping the logic in the place of its (one-time) use. Another upside is the ability to capture variables from the local scope.
The visitor
template obviously needs to be defined only once. Its definition
is simple enough to stash it into some utility header. In case you a using (a
fairly recent version of) Boost anyway, the new meta-programming library Boost
Hana offers a definition called boost::hana::overload
straight out of the
Recursive visitors
One problem arises when we want to call the visitor recursively. Consider the following example of a variant that’s supposed to represent a value in a JSON file which can be either a number, a string, or an array or ‘object’ (a.k.a. dictionary or map) of JSON values themselves. JSON also allows null and Boolean values, which are omitted here for brevity.
namespace json {
struct array; // forward declaration
struct object; // forward declaration
using value = std::variant<int, std::string, array, object>;
struct array : std::vector<value> {
using std::vector<value>::vector;
struct object : std::map<std::string, value> {
using std::map<std::string, value>::map;
With this, we can list-initialize a nested value
object rather elegantly:
int main() {
json::value val = json::object{
{"title", "Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical"
" Reality Be Considered Complete?"},
{"year", 1935},
{"authors", json::array{
"A. Einstein",
"B. Podolsky",
"N. Rosen"
std::cout << val << std::endl; // to be implemented
In order to serialize a json::value
object into valid JSON, we again resort to
the visitor pattern. As a fully-fledged functor class, the visitor might look
like this:
namespace json {
struct printer {
std::ostream & os;
std::ostream& operator()(int x) const {
return os << x;
std::ostream& operator()(std::string const& s) const {
return os << std::quoted(s);
std::ostream& operator()(array const& a) const {
os << '[';
for (auto const& v : a)
std::visit(*this, v) << ',';
return os << ']';
std::ostream& operator()(object const& obj) const {
os << '{';
for (auto const& [k, v] : obj) {
os << std::quoted(k) << ':';
std::visit(*this, v) << ',';
return os << '}';
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, value const& val) {
return std::visit(printer{os}, val);
For the above main()
function, this will produce the output:
{"authors":["A. Einstein","B. Podolsky","N. Rosen",],"title":"Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete","year":1935,}
which is valid JSON when disregarding the occurrence of trailing commas (which are technically not allowed).
Note the use of recursion in the overloads for array
and object
: the visitor
passes itself on to std::visit
which in turn calls its appropriate overloads
for the array elements and values contained in the object
. When attempting to
realize the same kind of visitor by inheriting from lambdas, we however run into
a problem:
namespace json {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, value const& val) {
return std::visit(visitor{
[&](int x) -> std::ostream& { return os << x; },
[&](std::string const& s) -> std::ostream& {
return os << std::quoted(s);
[&](array const& a) -> std::ostream& {
os << '[';
for (auto const& v : a) {
// std::visit(*this, v) << ',';
return os << ']';
[&](object const& obj) -> std::ostream& {
os << '{';
for (auto const& [k, v] : obj) {
os << std::quoted(k) << ':';
// std::visit(*this, v) << ',';
return os << '}';
}, val);
While the overloads for int
and std::string
are straight-forwardly
implemented (streaming to os
which is captured by reference), we have no means
of invoking the visitor recursively. Passing *this
to std::visit
illustrated in the comments) is bound to fail: the lambdas are defined outside
of any class so there is no this
to be captured. Further, before the lambdas
are fully defined, the derived visitor type is incomplete and could not even be
forward-declared because its Bases...
parameter pack cannot be specified in
closed form.
This makes a naive implementation through inheritance from lambdas impossible. Fortunately, the situation can be salvaged using a concept from theoretical computer science that has major implication for recursion in general: the fixed-point combinator.
Lambda calculus
Before we introduce the fixed-point combinator, let’s get acquainted with the weird notation known as lambda calculus. The function of one variable that squares its argument would traditionally be written as \(f(x)=x^2\), or more mathematically, \(f: \mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}, x\mapsto x^2\). In lambda calculus, this becomes \(f = \lambda x\,.\,x^2\). Note that the expression on the right-hand side of the equality sign completely defines the function and it is not even necessary to give it a name (\(f\)). For this reason, lambdas are often referred to as anonymous functions. Further, the name of the argument is just a placeholder, i.e. \(\lambda x\,.\,x^2=\lambda y\,.\,y^2\).
When a lambda is invoked, i.e. evaluated for a specific value of its argument, the parentheses may be omitted if this does not cause confusion, e.g. \((\lambda x\,.\,x^2)\,5=5^2=25\).
A function of two variables, say \(f(x,y)=y^x\), can be written as \(\lambda (x,y)\,.\,y^x\), but in many cases it is more convenient to express the same as a higher-order function:
\[f = \lambda x\,.\,\lambda y\,.\,y^x\]This is to be understood as a function of one variable (\(x\)), returning functions of another variable (\(y\)). This procedure of going from one function of two variables to a higher-order function (one returning functions) of one variable, is known as Currying.
The fixed-point combinator
Say, we wanted to define the factorial function \(n! = n\times(n-1)\times\dots\times 2\times 1\) recursively. In traditional function notation, we’d write
\[f(n) = \begin{cases} n\times f(n-1), & n > 0,\\ 1, & n = 0. \end{cases}\]However, this definition is self-referential: we are using the function \(f\) in its own definition. We run into deep water when trying to write down the corresponding lambda expression: lambdas are anonymous, so we don’t have a name to refer to the thing we are trying to define. Straightforward recursion is not possible in lambda calculus.
What we can do, however, is define a helper function \(g\) of two arguments: a function \(f\) that we think of as our sought-after factorial function and the integer \(n\):
\[g(f, n) = \begin{cases} n\,f(n-1), & n > 0,\\ 1, & n = 0. \end{cases}\]There is no recursion happening here, so this may be written as a lambda expression:
\[g = \lambda f\,.\,\lambda n\,.\,\begin{cases} n\,f(n-1), & n > 0,\\ 1, & n = 0. \end{cases}\]This alone does not constitute a solution, since in order to define the factorial function itself, we still need to invoke some sort of recursion:
\[f(n) = g(f, n).\]If we omit the argument \(n\) for a moment (through currying), this reduces to \(f = g(f)\) and is called a fixed-point equation. Solutions for \(f\) that satisfy this equation are called fixed points since \(g\) maps those to themselves. Thus, the factorial function \(f\) is a fixed point of the helper function \(g\).
How does one find a fixed point of a function? Turns out that within the limits of lambda calculus, one can construct a lambda function that maps functions to (one of) their fixed-point(s). Such a function is called a fixed-point combinator. One particular construction is the so-called Y combinator which was discovered by Haskell Curry (who already has a programming language and the Currying procedure named after him). The lambda expression for the Y combinator looks like this:
\[\mathsf{Y} = \lambda f \,.\, (\lambda x \,.\, f(x\ x))(\lambda x \,.\, f(x\ x)).\]This may look intimidating at first, but honestly it’s quite simple. To verify that it in fact works as advertized, we first apply it to some function \(g\),
\[\mathsf{Y}g = (\lambda x \,.\, g(x\ x))(\lambda x \,.\, g(x\ x)),\]where we just replaced the “independent variable” \(f\) with the concrete function \(g\) we’re acting upon. We follow the same pattern in evaluating the right-hand side: the first pair of parentheses defines a lambda function of \(x\) which is then evaluated at the point given by the second pair of parentheses, \(\lambda x\,.\, g(x\ x)\),
\[\mathsf{Y}g = g((\lambda x \,.\, g(x\ x))(\lambda x \,.\, g(x\ x))) = g(\mathsf{Y}g).\]In the last equality, we have just recovered the expression for \(\mathsf{Y}g\) from the previous line. Hence, \(\mathsf{Y}g\) is indeed a fixed point of \(g\).
This immediately yields the solution to our problem of defining the factorial function \(f\) in lambda calculus: it is simply given by \(f = \mathsf{Y}g\). The fixed point in this case is not a number, but a function (of \(n\)), but that is not a problem. (In fact, numbers are functions in lambda calculus.)
Thus, the Y combinator allows the introduction of recursion to lambda calculus without changing its axioms or explicitly introducing some sense of self-referentiality into the formalism. In fact, lambda calculus has been proven to be Turing complete, i.e. any program can be expressed as a lambda expression. To learn more, I recommend the videos on lambda calculus in general and the Y combinator in particular on the Computerphile Youtube channel.
Using the fixed-point combinator in C++
When we tried to define the recursive visitor to serialize JSON, we faced a similar problem to the one that lambda calculus faced conceptually when it comes to recursion. This raises the question of whether we can also solve it by similar means; the answer to which is of course ‘yes’.
We can write a C++ version of the fixed-point combinator:
#include <utility>
template <typename G>
struct Y {
template <typename... X>
decltype(auto) operator()(X &&... x) const &
return g(*this, std::forward<X>(x)...);
G g;
template <typename G>
Y(G) -> Y<G>;
Albeit I called it affectionally Y
for brevity, it does not follow the same
construction as the Y combinator, but rather it is actually implemented in a
self-referential way, invoking g
with itself as first argument and then
forwarding any other arguments in the parameter pack X
For example, to realize the factorial function without any recursion or captures, we can write:
auto g = [](auto f, int n) -> int {
if (n > 0)
return n * f(n - 1);
return 1;
auto f = Y{g};
std::cout << f(5) << std::endl; // outputs 120
Note that we used auto
as the argument type in the definition of \(g\), making
this a generic lambda. Thus, the return type cannot be inferred and needs to be
specified with trailing return type syntax.
The above code compiles with g++
7 or newer, as well as clang++
5 or newer.
Clang actually evaluates the expression f(5)
at compile time with optimization
level -O3
. GCC does not, but can be forced to do so by declaring the variables
and f
, as well as the Y::operator()
function constexpr
Boost provides a similar implementation for the fixed-point combinator in the
new Hana library called boost::hana::fix
Recursive serialization of JSON
Finally, let’s bring it all together and implement the serialization of JSON using a variant visitor derived from lambdas, and by reintroducing recursion using the fixed-point combinator.
namespace json {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, value const& val) {
return std::visit(Y{visitor{
[&](auto, int x) -> std::ostream& {
return os << x;
[&](auto, std::string const& s) -> std::ostream& {
return os << std::quoted(s);
[&](auto self, array const& a) -> std::ostream& {
os << '[';
for (auto const& v : a) {
std::visit(self, v) << ',';
return os << ']';
[&](auto self, object const& obj) -> std::ostream&
os << '{';
for (auto const& [k, v] : obj) {
os << std::quoted(k) << ':';
std::visit(self, v) << ',';
return os << '}';
}}, val);
Note the changes compared to the version at the beginning of this post: the
individual lambda overloads have an additional first argument auto self
the whole visitor
is wrapped in a Y
While the contents of this post are certainly a lot to take in, especially so if lambda calculus is new to you, the resulting solutions are quite simple to use and I’ve found myself using them loads since. It’s a case where concepts from theoretical computer science can be applied to real code.