Variadic templates (parameter packs) have been in the language ever since C++11. With the introduction of fold expressions in C++17, they have gotten even more useful. This post showcases their utility for initializing aggregate types such as std::array without prior default initialization of their fields.

The problem

Suppose you have a class foo which is not default-constructible, or whose default constructor incurs significant and unnecessary overhead (heap allocation, thread synchronization, etc.). For the sake of this post, foo will just wrap an integer and its custom constructor will define the implicitly declared default constructor as deleted.

struct foo {
    foo(int i) : data(i) {}
    friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                                           foo const& f)
    { return os << "foo(" << << ")"; }
    int data;

Now, given the task to fill a fixed-size array with instances of foo wrapping the integers 0, 1, …, 9, one might write code like this:

std::array<foo, 10> arr;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i)
    arr[i] = foo(i);

As an aside, we could simply write arr[i] = i; the integer would implicitly be converted to an object of type foo.

This, however, will fail to compile, with the compiler complaining about the use of the deleted default constructor foo::foo(). Another (inequivalent!) possibility would be to write

std::array<foo, 10> arr {};

which performs list initialization, and since arrays are aggregate types, this invokes aggregate initialization. The latter will copy-initialize the first elements of the array from the expressions within the braces (in this case, none) and value-initialize the remaining elements. Thus, also this code fails to compile, but this time we get 10 errors due to the compiler complaining about the absence of a default constructor (which is required for value initialization) for each of the 10 array elements.

Quick and dirty solution: just give it a default constructor already!

For at least until C++11 came about, the answer to this conundrum was to just add a default constructor. In our example, we can explicitly define the constructor as defaulted:

    // inside struct foo
    foo() = default;              // variant 1

If (!) the defaulted default constructor was invoked, its action would be identical to a default constructor with empty initializer list and empty body:

    // inside struct foo
    foo() {};                     // variant 2

This means that all class members (and base classes) are themselves default-initialized, but POD members such as our sole member int i; will remain uninitialized.

That ‘If’ is important though: whilst default initialization will always invoke the default constructor, value initialization will only invoke the default constructor if it is user-defined as in variant 2. Otherwise (variant 1), value initialization will zero-initialize all members. As a corollary, default-initializing the array will always default-initialize its members, resulting in ten foo objects with undefined values of their member i, regardless of whether variant 1 or 2 was used to define the default constructor. In contrast, aggregate initialization of the array will only produce the same result if variant 2 is used, but will produce ten foo(0) objects in the case of variant 1.

Why introducing a default state might be a bad idea

So, while it is possible to ensure that no memory is zeroed before move-assigning the ascending foo objects, the performance penalty for doing so would likely be negligible. The bigger issue with introducing default constructors runs deeper. By doing so, we introduce another state for objects of type foo and in order to avoid expensive resource acquisition, that default state might be special and every function called on foo would henceforth need to check for this artificial edge case. In other words, by adding meaningless default states for mere technical reasons, we erode the internal guarantees imposed by the type system.

Even worse, if foo is a view of sorts, it likely has reference members and references cannot be default-initialized or reassigned. The obvious way out of that situation is to replace the reference by a pointer to the parent of the view. Whenever you feel like that’s the way to fix a problem, it might be time to step back and reevaluate. C++ ain’t Rust and references are far from safe (since the compiler does not enforce lifetime) but replacing them by pointers for the single reason to introduce a state where those pointers are dangling is surely a bad idea.

Avoiding default construction with vectors

This probably isn’t a huge revelation, but the above problem is easily solved for std::vectors where one can simply construct the elements one by one and push them to the back of the vector:

std::vector<foo> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

By reserving the anticipated amount of memory, we can be sure that dynamic memory allocation happens only once. Again, we are making use of implicit conversion to construct the objects of type foo before calling push_back, thus being equivalent to vec.push_back(foo{i}). This is an important thing to recall: the objects are constructed in the local scope and passed on to push_back as an rvalue reference which can be moved out of. Our class foo has implicitly declared move semantics (which will copy the POD member i nonetheless). If foo was immovable in addition to being not default-constructible, we could still avoid copying by using emplace_back instead:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

This time, i is not implicitly converted to foo, but instead it (and any further arguments to emplace_back) are forwarded to a constructor of foo which constructs the object at its spot in the vector.

Should one be so inclined to program in a ‘loopless’ style, we could also fill the vector by invoking std::generate_n with a stateful lambda and have it feed the elements in a std::back_insert_iterator:

std::vector<foo> vec;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(vec), 10,
                [i=0]() mutable -> foo { return i++; });

While these solutions for std::vector are fine and dandy, they still require (one) dynamic memory allocation on the heap. This is perfectly fine for large amounts of data, but can cause significant overhead when the arrays are small, e.g. in the case of (ironically) vectors in few dimensions as they occur in physics. When the dimension is small and known at compile time, but generic so we can’t simply write {0, 1, 2}, it’s much better to use arrays living on the stack. Which brings us back to square one: how to initialize such an array without requiring default-constructibility?

Variadic expansion to the rescue

C++11 introduced variadic templates to the language, that is, templates with a variable number of template parameters, be it types, enums, or integral values. The name derives from variadic functions in C (and C++) such as printf which take a variable number of arguments. Unlike variadic function which iterate over their arguments at runtime (and perform type erasure and are generally unsafe), variadic templates collect template parameters in parameter packs which are expanded at compile time.

The parameter pack can be expanded using the ... operator in various places. The most common one is inside the argument list of a function invocation. The function that’s being called is often itself a variadic template and in a lot of cases it’s the same function, but with fewer template parameters. This way, the variadic template function can be defined recursively by eventually reaching a base case which has to be defined as a separate (non-variadic) overload.

Here, we’ll focus on another expansion locus which eliminates the need for explicit recursion: brace-enclosed initializers which trigger list initialization or aggregate initialization. Consider the following helper function:

template <typename Container, int... I>
Container iota_impl() {
    return {I...};

This defines a template with a parameter pack I of int values. It list-initializes a new instance of the templated type Container and returns it immediately. The pack expansion I... takes place in the list initializer. When invoking the template function as

auto arr = iota_impl<std::array<int, 4>, 0, 1, 2, 3>();

this indeed initializes arr with an array equal to {0, 1, 2, 3}. So this works, but surely we’ve only shifted the problem from having to specify the integer sequence inside the braced initializer to specifying it as template parameters? Well, yes, but template parameters (and parameter packs) can be deduced from the signature of the template function.

This is where std::integer_sequence comes into play, a nifty auxiliary type that was introduced in C++14. It actually doesn’t do anything, it’s just a template over some integral type T and a parameter pack T... of those. By adding an argument to our helper function iota_impl of type std::integer_sequence<int, I...>, and calling it with an instance of integer_sequence, we do no longer need to put the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 in the template parameter list of iota_impl, but rather I... is deduced from the type of the function argument:

template <typename Container, int... I>
Container iota_impl(std::integer_sequence<int, I...>) {
    return {I...};

auto arr = iota_impl<std::array<int, 4>>(
        std::integer_sequence<int, 0, 1, 2, 3>{}

Note that the std::integer_sequence object is never actually used. We don’t even give a name to the argument of iota_impl. The type just sits there pro forma to facilitate template deduction at compile time and therefore doesn’t incur any runtime costs.

Again, you might ask, ‘didn’t we just shift the problem from putting 0, 1, 2, 3 in the template arguments of iota_impl to putting it in the template arguments of the dummy object we’re passing into it?’. True, but we’re inching closer to a solution. The final piece of the puzzle is an innocent-looking type alias provided by the standard library:

template <typename T, T N>
using make_integer_sequence =
    std::integer_sequence<T, /* a sequence 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1 */ >;

Despite its make_* name suggesting that it might create an integer_sequence object, std::make_integer_sequence is actually a type. Obviously, the above pseudo-definition is not valid C++, but it is not that hard to come up with a recursive definition that does the job. Again, all the instantiations of templates happen at compile time, so the use of recursion does not hurt the runtime performance.

Using std::make_integer_sequence, we can finally eliminate the explicit sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, ... from the code:

template <typename Container, int... I>
Container iota_impl(std::integer_sequence<int, I...>) {
    return {I...};

template <typename T, size_t N>
auto iota_array() {
    using Sequence = std::make_integer_sequence<int, N>;
    return iota_impl<std::array<T, N>>(Sequence{});

auto arr = iota_array<foo, 10>();
std::copy(arr.begin(), arr.end(),
          std::ostream_iterator<foo>{std::cout, ", "});
/* output: foo(0), foo(1), foo(2), foo(3), foo(4), ... */

The split between the (exposed) API function iota_array and the helper iota_impl is necessary to ‘extract’ the integer parameter pack from the std::integer_sequence type and the use of the latter is necessary to implicitly make use of recursion in std::make_integer_sequence to build up the sequence.

The definition of the helper function has to go in the header as the template will need to be instantiated anew for every N. It’s common to indicate that it is not meant to be used directly by the _impl suffix, or by placing it in an impl:: or detail:: namespace. If the exposed function is a class member, the helper can also be made private.


The pattern presented here can also be used in more intricate ways. For example, we could use the integers from the sequence as indices in an array access. In this case, we’d want to use size_t rather than int. This is such a common application that the standard library provides the type alias std::index_sequence<N> for std::integer_sequence<size_t, N>. The following function subarray<S> returns a length-S subarray by aggregate initialization with copies of the elements of the original array:

template <typename T, size_t N, size_t... I>
auto subarray_impl(std::array<T, N> const& arr,
                   size_t first,
    -> std::array<T, sizeof...(I)>
    return {arr[first + I]...};

template <size_t S, typename T, size_t N>
auto subarray(std::array<T, N> const& arr, size_t first) {
    using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<S>;
    return subarray_impl(arr, first, Indices{});

Possible use would look like this:

auto arr = iota_array<foo, 10>();
/* foo(0), foo(1), foo(2), foo(3), foo(4), foo(5), foo(6), ... */
auto sub = subarray<4>(arr, 2);
/* foo(2), foo(3), foo(4), foo(5) */

Note the use of the sizeof... operator to find the number of elements in the parameter pack at compile time. Inside the braced initializer, we can put (almost) any expression we like and use the pack parameter I as though it was a single element of the pack and apply the pack expansion operator ... to the whole expression.

If the elements of the initialized array were the result of a more complicated calculation, one might be tempted to use an immediately invoked lambda expression (IILE) to turn multiple statements into a single expression and expand that:

return {
    [&](size_t i) {
        /* some multi-statement computation,
         * as a function of `i`, possibly using
         * captured variables */

The thing to note here is that a separate lambda will be compiled for every integer in the sequence. Still, the compiler would most likely be able to inline those. What’s worse is that the above doesn’t seem to work with current compilers (GCC and clang). For some reason, only the first lambda in the expansion correctly captures its environment. I’m fairly sure this is a compiler bug; also confer the relevant StackExchange thread. For now it’s probably best to move the lambda outside the initializer, give it a name, and invoke it by name:

auto f = [&](size_t i) {
    /* some multi-statement computation,
     * as a function of `i`, possibly using
     * captured variables */
return {f(I)...};

Finally, I’d like to showcase one last place where this pattern might come in handy and that’s with C++17’s fold expressions. If we wanted to implement a stream out operator for std::array, we could do so in the following way:

template <typename Container, size_t... I>
std::ostream& print_impl(std::ostream& os, Container const& arr,
    return (os << ... << arr[I]);

template <typename T, size_t N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::array<T, N> const& arr) {
    using Indices = std::make_index_sequence<N>;
    return print_impl(os, arr, Indices{});

The binary fold expression (os << ... << arr[I]) will be expanded into os << arr[0] << arr[1] << arr[2] << .... Thus, we get the following output:

std::cout << sub << std::endl;
/* foo(2)foo(3)foo(4)foo(5) */

If instead be wanted to separate the individual elements by a comma, the binary fold cannot be used and we need to ressort to a trick where we’re performing a unary fold with respect to the comma operator: ((os << arr[I] << ", "), ...) which would expand to

(os << arr[0] << ", "),
(os << arr[1] << ", "),
(os << arr[2] << ", "),

Thus the output reads:

std::cout << sub << std::endl;
/* foo(2), foo(3), foo(4), foo(5),  */

Drop me a line if you know of an elegant idea to get rid of that trailing comma.

The application of this pattern to printing is probably not a particularly good use case since you could achieve the same thing by just looping over the array or using an algorithm:

std::copy(sub.begin(), sub.end(),
          std::ostream_iterator<foo>{std::cout, ", "});

For std::array, the compiler will likely unroll the loop anyway, producing the same assembly, so there isn’t a performance benefit in using fold expressions for that either. For the aggregate initialization of non-default-constructible objects though, the pattern I presented in this post is the only way I know of to accomplish the task at hand.

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